I will walk/run 30km, will write about it here, and use this app to record it.

Start Date: Fri Jul 12 05:14:53 PM IST 2024

Day 1

  • Walked to the gym.
  • Done with 1.84km.


  • I plan to go on a walk tomorrow morning.


Day 2

  • Didn’t go on a morning walk due to laziness.
  • Walked to the gym.
  • Done with 3.95km.


  • I plan to go on a walk tomorrow morning.


Day 3

  • Didn’t go to a morning walk due to laziness.
  • Walked in the park in the evening.
  • Done with 6.06km.


  • Tomorrow is different, I will go to a morning walk tomorrow.

blurred photo

Day 4

  • Went on a morning walk as promised.
  • Walked to the gym.
  • Done wtih 11.38km.


  • Too dark.


Day 5

  • Super lazy day.
  • Only walked to the gym.


  • Come lift bro.


Day 6

  • Went on a morning walk.


  • Walked to the gym too.

rowing machine

Day 7

  • Went on a morning walk.
  • Extrememly lazy day.


  • Aim to complete the challenge tomorrow.

Day 8

  • I am retarded I never bothered to update it. Here’s the update.
  • Done with this challenge, now I will begin a new phase in my life.


  • I will start a new challenge today and be sure to not slack off.

Last updated: Thu Jul 25 07:56:44 AM IST 2024

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